5 ways to cool down a laptop

5 ways to cool down a laptop

HomeGuides, How To5 ways to cool down a laptop

Laptops naturally get warm due to their shape and size. However, if they remain hot for extended periods of time, they can overheat, slow down, or be permanently damaged. Whether or not you experience the warning signs and dangers of an overheated laptop, you can follow these simple and inexpensive precautions below to keep your computer cool and in working order.

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Channel Avatar GamingScan2018-10-25 12:38:09 Thumbnail

How to Keep Your Laptop Cool While Gaming [Easy Guide]

We've found that the following steps can drop the internal temperature of an old and dangerously hot laptop from 181° Fahrenheit (83° Celsius) to 106° F (41° C)—a 41 percent difference after one hour of active heatsink use for laptop and lowers the room temperature to 68 degrees.

In addition to these approaches, keep an eye out for problems in the moment that don't indicate an environmental problem but can still negatively affect your laptop. Perhaps the most significant contributor to temporary overheating is placing the computer on your lap, cushioned by insulators like blankets that both trap heat and block fans.

Change your laptop's power settings from high performance to a balanced plan or power saver plan. This tweak will tell the system to only use the power required to run your applications instead of always using the maximum processor speed. If you need to play games or do other intensive work, you can switch back to the high-performance plan as needed.