How to fix a TV that turns on by itself

How to fix a TV that turns on by itself

HomeGuides, How ToHow to fix a TV that turns on by itself

There is nothing more startling than hearing the familiar sound of your TV in the middle of the night. Somehow it turned itself back on, leaving you confused and frustrated. A TV turning on by itself is a common problem with a few simple fixes. Here are some reasons why your TV turns itself on and what you can do to prevent it.

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Fix- Samsung Smart TV turns ON and OFF repeatedly by itself!

A TV that turns on or off by itself is not necessarily broken. A simple, easily fixed problem is usually the culprit. There may be a power button stuck on the remote or the batteries in the remote are dying. An internal timer may accidentally be set to turn on the TV. A connected device, such as a router, network device, or USB wireless LAN adapter, may be the cause of the problem. Also, an internal HDMI or CEC setup can turn on a TV.

Follow the steps below to diagnose and fix a TV that mysteriously turns itself on:

Check that the power button on the remote control is not stuck. If so, disassemble the remote control to perform a good, steady cleaning.