How to fold your smartphone to prevent theft

How to fold your smartphone to prevent theft

HomeGuides, How ToHow to fold your smartphone to prevent theft

This article explains several steps you can take to prevent or discourage the theft of your smartphone. While no method is guaranteed to work, these methods are guaranteed to give thieves a hard time and maybe even thwart them completely.

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Channel Avatar FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul2020-01-15 21:59:24 Thumbnail

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If you're worried about using your phone in a tight spot, consider buying a smartphone case with a wrist strap. It's a simple but effective way to keep your phone connected to your person. If a thief grabs your phone and finds it in your hand, it can scare, confuse or deter them altogether.

If tether cases that snap your wrist aren't your bag, consider an anti-theft folder. Many of these apps allow you to customize the alarm sound that plays during a theft attempt. You can create your own shrill alarm sound, or you can record your voice saying something threatening or derogatory.

If you have an iPhone and your phone has already been stolen, use iOS's built-in Find My iPhone app to track your device. Don't forget to set a password lock for your phone. You should also block location services settings changes so that the thief cannot turn off the GPS signal on your phone.