How to make a shield in Minecraft

How to make a shield in Minecraft

HomeGuides, How ToHow to make a shield in Minecraft

This article explains how to create a shield in Minecraft (any version) as well as how to collect supplies, decorate your shield and create a banner.

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How to Make a Shield in Minecraft Survival Mode & Use them! (Recipe Guide)

In Minecraft, a shield is a defensive item that you can craft and equip to protect yourself from attacks. The materials are extremely basic, making it fairly easy to create a cover once you start playing. These shields are basic rectangles in design, but you can customize them with unique patterns and even enchant them in some versions of Minecraft.

The recipe and process is the same no matter what version of Minecraft you're using, and it's in the vanilla version of the game, so you don't need any mods to perform this craft.

Here is the recipe for creating your own shield: