How to manually test a power supply with a multimeter

How to manually test a power supply with a multimeter

HomeGuides, How ToHow to manually test a power supply with a multimeter

This article explains how to manually test a power supply with a multimeter. The process is risky because of the voltages involved and not for the casual user. This information applies to a standard ATX power supply. Almost all modern consumer power supplies are ATX power supplies.

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Channel Avatar Britec092012-03-08 19:05:45 Thumbnail

Manually test a (PSU) power supply with a Britec multimeter

Testing a power supply manually with a multimeter is one of two ways to test a power supply in a computer.

A properly performed PSU test with a multimeter should confirm whether the power supply is in good condition or should be replaced.

Before you begin, read these important PC repair safety tips because of the dangers of the process. Manually testing a power supply involves working closely with high voltage electricity.