How to perform a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion on the bootable drive

How to perform a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion on the bootable drive

HomeGuides, How ToHow to perform a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion on the bootable drive

This article explains how to perform a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion on your Mac's boot drive. It contains information about the decisions you make when performing a clean install.

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How to mount OS X Lion to a flash drive/hard drive and clean install Mac OS X Lion

If you are going to install Mountain Lion on your Mac's bootable drive, you must first restart your Mac from a bootable copy of the installer because the bootable drive is erased before you perform the installation. Do this using Disk Utility, which comes with the installer.

Insert the bootable media or connect it to your Mac, then restart your Mac while holding down the Option key. This will cause the Mac to display its built-in boot manager, where you select the drive you want to boot from. Use the arrow keys to select the bootable Mountain Lion installer you created earlier, and then press Enter to start the boot process. The Mac OS X Utilities window appears as if you were booting from the Recovery HD partition. There is no recovery HD partition available yet, because you haven't installed the operating system. That's why you created your own bootable media.

Select Disk Utility from the list of options, and then select Continue.