Qualcomm, best known for its Snapdragon processors, has announced its first smartphone – designed by Asus and with a price tag of $1,500.
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Qualcomm's Snapdragon AI Event: Everything Revealed in 14 Minutes
Smartphone processor maker Qualcomm has unveiled the "Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders" (yes, really), its first attempt at releasing its own smartphone device. The new device has been designed by ASUS, which has partnered with Qualcomm in the past on both the ASUS ZenFone and ASUS ROG phones.
With such a hefty price tag, Smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders can only appeal to Snapdragon Insiders, an opt-in community of Qualcomm devotees.
The smartphone for Snapdragon Insiders combines Asus hardware with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 5G mobile platform, intended to specifically target Snapdragon Insiders. According to Qualcomm, this "connectivity powerhouse" allows users to stay connected with global 5G, Wi-Fi 6/6E and Bluetooth.