The 7 Best Online Photography Courses

The 7 Best Online Photography Courses

HomeGuides, How ToThe 7 Best Online Photography Courses

Over the course of the medium's history, photography's primary tool, the camera, has evolved from a massive box and light bulb to the compact, efficient lens of your smartphone. New technology makes it more accessible than ever to get started and refine your skills.

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Channel Avatar Wolf Amri2016-12-12 08:49:54 Thumbnail

Learn PHOTOGRAPHY in 10 easy lessons

Whether you're interested in mastering the basics of black and white or film photography, setting up your darkroom, gaining an academic understanding of the medium, or learning from some of the most famous photographers working today, there are online photography courses you can take at home.

After all, picking up a camera is the first step in showing others how you see the world.

Harvard University's "Exposing Digital Photography" class is available for free through the OpenCourseWare program. Because it's a class once offered at the Ivy League university's Extension School, you don't need to officially enroll—you have the freedom to complete it at your own pace.