Tidal's new feature is a throwback to the radio DJ days

Tidal's new feature is a throwback to the radio DJ days

HomeGuides, How ToTidal's new feature is a throwback to the radio DJ days

Hi-fi music streaming service Tidal is about to change the way we discover new music.

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Best Tidal Features for DJ

The new Tidal DJ Session feature lets anyone DJ a set and share a link so anyone can tune in live. This could be as simple as sharing a session with friends or as fancy as starting your own radio station, and it could completely shake up music discovery and make Tidal the go-to streaming service — unless Spotify and Apple copy it first.

"As an independent music recording artist, I was excited to hear about Tidal's new DJ Session feature. On the surface, it seems like a really cool and convenient way to share music with friends and even start your own radio station. But as I've had a chance using it and thinking about it more, I've come to realize that it has the potential to be much more than just a fun feature,” touring musician Arnold aka theRave told Lifewire via email.

There are several ways to discover new music today, from the algorithmic recommendations in your music streaming app to hoping you hear about something on social media. But the algorithms are – for me anyway – so hit-and-miss as to be useless, and scraping social for new songs is a lot of hassle.