What Excel's Red and Green Triangle Indicators Mean

What Excel's Red and Green Triangle Indicators Mean

HomeGuides, How ToWhat Excel's Red and Green Triangle Indicators Mean

In Microsoft Excel, green triangles indicate possible errors in a cell's contents. Red triangles indicate the presence of user comments in the worksheet cell. The green triangle appears in the upper left corner of a cell, while the red triangle appears in the upper right corner of a cell. Here's a look at how these indicators work and how to change their default settings.

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The green triangle appears in a cell when the cell's contents violate one of Excel's error checking rules.

These rules are enabled by default and watch for common mistakes such as cells containing formulas that result in an error, including #VALUE! or #DIV/0!; formulas that are inconsistent or different from formulas in surrounding cells; and numbers formatted as text data.

When you highlight a cell with a green triangle, the Error Options button appears next to it. The Error Options button is a yellow diamond with a gray square background. It offers options to correct the perceived error.