What is an IP address conflict?

What is an IP address conflict?

HomeGuides, How ToWhat is an IP address conflict?

An IP address conflict occurs when two communication endpoints on a network are assigned the same IP address. Endpoints can be computers, mobile devices, or a single network adapter. IP conflicts between two endpoints typically render either one or both endpoints unusable for network operations.

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What is IP address conflict? | How to solve it? | IvacyVPN

Two computers or other devices can get conflicting IP addresses in several ways:

Other forms of IP conflicts can occur in a network. For example, a computer may experience an IP address conflict with itself if that computer is configured with multiple adapters. Network administrators can also create IP conflicts by accidentally connecting two ports on a network switch or network router to each other.

The exact error message or other indication of an IP conflict varies depending on the type of device affected and the network operating system it is running.