Your robot vacuum cleaner is about to get smarter

Your robot vacuum cleaner is about to get smarter

HomeGuides, How ToYour robot vacuum cleaner is about to get smarter

On Tuesday, iRobot unveiled iRobot OS, a new software platform designed to make Roomba vacuums smarter with a better understanding of the home.

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Testing a $1 robot vacuum cleaner

The new iRobot operating system (OS) is based on the company's Genius Home Intelligence platform and will add new features to Roomba vacuum cleaners. The company goes so far as to call it "an evolution" of the old platform and appears to have created prototype Roombas to test the iRobot OS.

According to iRobot, the new software platform will allow Roombas to understand more voice commands, recognize more objects and house more "pet-centric features."

iRobot OS also expands support for Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri to allow Roombas to understand around 600 commands. For example, the company says users will be able to tell the device to clean in specific rooms or around certain areas like "around the couch."